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open source network library


08 Nov. 2006 --- Release of Firebolt 0.3.6 is here. It contains some bug fixes regarding threading issues, destruction of objects and portability issues for Mac OS/X and some unixes that have been corrected. Download it here.


25 Oct. 2006 --- At last a release again! Firebolt 0.3 is released. Now you can initialise you client and server state machines with the use of an xml ini file.The library is no longer dependant on boost threads. Lots of refactoring and bug fixing has taken place. The wxWidget based example applications are still on the way. Download firebolt, enjoy and don't hesitate to send us your opinion or questions.


9 Oct. 2006 --- Hello everyone. It's been quite some time. The project is still on, no worries. Lets see what's new. We have adopted the expat xml parser library. The finate state machines for the server and clients can be initialized with an xml based type of config. Design of the code has been simplified. Certain thread safety issues have been taken care and assertions concerning the operation of the framework have been made. There is one thing left for a release and that is the completion of example applications. A server and a client using the library are under development. Forgive us the long waiting for the next realease, we try to find some extra time to put on the project.


14 Mar. 2006 --- EasySockets is stable enough and has been ported for linux. Now i'm working on porting Firebolt's MFC samples. Since these samples have a gui , i started using wxWidgets for portability. I want to believe that i'll put some more time on Firebolt so that we have v0.3 soon.


3 Mar. 2006 --- EasySockets is in test phase at the moment. After it appears stable enough i will publish both EasySocket and Firebolt v0.3 at last.


14 Feb. 2006 --- Ok. I've been trying to debug v0.2 but it is a thread's mess. Socket library is great but it offers too much more than what Firebolt would require. So EasySockets library is on its way. A simple threadsafe asynchronous(to the user) synchronous (to the threads) socket library. So once again necessity makes us change course, but just for a while.


20 Jan. 2006 --- I've been working on some refactoring for sometime since v.0.2 lacks good design and this causes problems to arise. Be patient and next version 0.3 will be a much more clean and stable version.


12 Jan. 2006 --- Yes, at last we have the Firebolt v.0.2 release check it out. To compile it don't forget to download also boost v.1.32 which is actually a small precompiled subset of boost library, so you don't have to download it and compile it from scratch.

In this release you can find a working Finite state machine api, a filesharing network protocol, a client and a server using this protocol. Benefit from Firebolt by not worrying about socket specific details but by focusing on designing the network protocol. With Firebolt you can design a network protocol in a robust and easy to inspect way by defining states, events and transitions between states.

We wait for your feedback !


11 Jan. 2006 --- Happy new year everybody! Good news at last, the source code has reached a usable and stable enough stage. I'm sure there are still bugs (especially in the example server and client application). The release will be ready in two days maximum. Unfortunatelly we lack people to develop the linux and mac os releases but we'll think of something. Take a look at the design of server/client protocol for the moment but keep in mind that after the release we will make a tutorial to explain more thoroughly the use of our api.


20 Dec. 2005 --- I know that the new release is delayed. A lot of refactoring has taken place and the finite state machine api still needs a bit more debuging. In addition we will provide a sample implementation of a protocol and a server and client application that uses it. We request a bit more patience and stay tuned for Firebolt v.0.2

NOTE: As you understand the creation of the linux and macintosh makefiles for the library and the examples, will be further delayed until we have the functional v0.2 release in windows platform.

13 Nov. 2005 --- Firebolt v.0.12 is ready for download with a few bug fixes and some extra code for Finite state machines in an early development state.

NOTE: If you haven't done so already download also the boost v.1.32 depedencies. It is a precompiled subset of boost made for not going into the trouble of downloading boost and compiling it from scratch.

Keep in mind that we will try to have releases for linux and mac systems as soon as possible.


1 Nov. 2005 --- At last we have a first release of Firebolt v.0.1

At the moment the source code comes with a VC++ .Net 7.1 project for compiling. Others will soon be available.

A simple implementation of Finite State machines will soon be added into the api in an attempt to implement network protocols in an elegant and easy way. Something really necessary for complex protocols required by game applications.


Design diagrams


product image 1
Server protocol
see big diagram >

product image 2
Client protocol
see big diagram >